14 Types of Blog Posts to Attract Your Ideal Clients

In this connected age, any business needs an online presence. It is important to share your personal experiences with fitness training and your overall knowledge of health, fitness, and nutrition with your audience and potential clients.

Keeping the target audience engaged to keep your business afloat is the most difficult and stressful task a business owner can face. However, there are certain types of blog posts which can help in the essential strategy-building required to attract ideal clients to your blog.

The trick behind attracting the audience on a blog post is to be strategic. The mindset of the people who are thinking about joining a gym, hiring a personal trainer, or working with a health coach has to be taken into account. What types of questions might be in the minds of the audience? Where do their interests lie? These questions also play an important role in broadening the reach of your content.

Here are some ideas that can be incorporated by you, as the owner of a gym, an independent personal fitness trainer, or an independent heath coach, in your blog to attract more clients:

1. Why you are important to your potential client

The main idea behind creating this type of blog post is to tell readers why they need health or fitness professional and why you are the best answer to their need. What services might the client benefit from? Is there anything in particular you do better than other fitness and health businesses out there? It's important to engage your audience first with how a health coach or other fitness professional might help them, and then encourage them to explore more of your blog and website content to discover why you are the best and most knowledgeable choice. Don't forget to link past, related blog content within your blog post to keep your audience engaged.

2. What to look for in a health and fitness professional

With so many gyms, coaches, and personal fitness trainers out there, you can assume your clients are absorbing a lot of conflicting information on what to look for. It's a good idea to join this conversation. However, it is extra important to make sure this post will answer your audiences' questions without adding to their concerns. First, describe some traits good health coaches or personal fitness trainers have. Then, list the characteristics of your team that make you unique when compared to others.  You can elaborate on how your brand better promises and provides a healthy experience. The main theme revolves around letting the audience know what to expect and what they deserve in an ideal relationship with a fitness or health professional.

3. A free workout or nutrition plan

People are always attracted to free stuff; it's human nature. A free download of a workout or nutrition plan in return for a subscription can prove to be a good marketing strategy. If your content is promising enough, the client will stay longer. It would also act as a promotional venture.

If you plan on giving out a free nutrition plan, consider avoiding a plan which enforces an extreme calorie deficit. Instead, aim to design a meal plan that allows the potential client to begin consistently eating nutritious, balanced meals. Rather than focusing on a calorie restrictive approach, the plan targets clean eating, macro balance, fiber-rich foods, hydration, and portion control. In other words, the diet included should leave the client feeling satisfied and energized, not undernourished.

4. Desired outcomes

Clients expect certain outcomes, such as weight loss and better health, when they hire a health coach or personal fitness trainer. A blog with content on how to achieve these desired outcomes can be beneficial. The headlines must be user-friendly, professional, catchy, and inspire people to click to read further.

A topic such as this is broad and can be used for several different posts. For example, you could create one about eating habits outside of the gym, another on how to nourish a body on rest days, and a third on learning to balance meal plans for special occasions, like holidays.  We've recently discussed how to enjoy the holidays while staying healthy ourselves. There are dozens of other options for blog posts about desired outcomes, as well.

5. Tap into the emotional side

Ask your audience why they want to become healthier. Do they want to be present for their family? Have they had enough time or energy to achieve everything they wanted in life or in their career? Asking questions like this will invite your audience to give an emotional response and will also increases client engagement. Once there is interest, the desire of the client to work with you increases. 

The basic requirement of a blog post is to capture the attention of the client and provide them with their desired outcome. The intro must brief and to the point, while still keeping the client's attention. The headline must be bold, catchy, and pack an emotional punch to keep the potential or current client hooked. 

6. Create a niche

How are you and your business different from the dozens of other gyms, health coaches, and personal trainers in your area? Take time to think about the needs of your target audience and how you can cater to the potential clients who might fall into a specific niche that others might marginalize. Here, targeting niche groups works well. Take time to speak to people who have desk jobs, athletes, new mothers, or other specific groups of people who could benefit from your business.

No matter which niches you chose to cater to, it is important to offer clients customization.  If, for example, your target niche is stay-at-home moms, having a day-care center in your gym might be a good idea.  In your blog post, you can mention ways to keep stay-at-home moms fit and energetic throughout the day and perhaps offer a link to download a specific meal plan for new moms and their children. 

Learn How to Build Your Consulting Business as a Health Coach

7. Diet and nutrition

A healthy and balanced diet often complements workouts and leads to desired results. Blog posts focused on positive changes your clients can adopt, like adding more fruits or vegetables to their diets, can prove to be an aid to their fitness journeys.  This category can also include posts about specific nutrient supplements, organic or artificial, and how these supplements can benefit the clients respectively.

8. Workout routines

A strong workout is the secret to enjoying a fitness and health journey. You can help your readers create their own workouts and discover which exercises to try at home, at the gym, or outdoors.  These exercises can help them achieve desired outcomes such as weight loss or a more toned physique. Headlines should capture the attention of the client. Here are some ideas:

  • 5 of the Best Exercises to Try at Home
  • How to Exercise at Home
  • 15 Workout Routines for Fat Loss

You can also document your personal experiences by typing out your personal favorite workout routine, which would give authenticity to your brand and business.

9. Helpful apps and software programs

These days, most of your potential and current clients will want to stay on top of their fitness programs in easily accessible ways, especially when they are away from the gym.  Spend some time to figure out which apps and software programs might help you connect with your clients better and then write a blog post explaining the benefits of these programs to your audience.  We've already done something similar, so feel free to read our post on apps and software programs that can help health coaches and their clients.  

10. Fitness for beginners

It can be hard to know where to start with fitness. Your blog could help clients discover what works for their bodies. Lots of people know they want to get fit and healthy, but don’t know how to start.  So, tell them how.

A blog post for the beginners can attract new audiences and clients, and if the content proves to be good, it will create a loyal base of customers who will trust you to join them on their future fitness ventures.

11. Inspiration and Motivation

Staying fit and healthy is an important part of our lives. Many individuals strive to be fit, but often a lack of motivation leads people to fall back into their old habits. Blog posts to inspire clients with motivational content, tips, and tricks can be just what your audience needs to stay focused and on the right path.

Often when people think about exercise, they think about sports or athletes. But fitness is something that can be part of everyone’s lives. To instill this idea into the mind of the client, the content you write should inspire someone to try a sport or an exercise routine that they may have thought was impossible for them to do or enjoy.

Don't be afraid to share the spotlight when it comes to motivating your clients, too!  Although your business and the relationship you have with your clients can be a large motivator, it is okay to share other people's stories with your client.  Social media is an excellent way for your clients to draw support from several different outlets.  For example, there are many Instagram accounts which can help inspire your client to stay on track. 

12. How-to Guides

Giving people a quick win is a sure-fire way to create raving fans. Make a ‘how-to’ or ‘step-by-step' guide to help people overcome a common obstacle in a short amount of time. This will appeal to the clients and also encourage them to make time for a fitness program in their day-to-day lives. Here you can discuss meal prep ideas or quick at-home exercises.  You could also suggest small changes to make big impacts, like cutting out soda-pops or switching from sugary puddings to Greek yogurts.

13. Sports supplements

Blog posts regarding sports supplements must be professional, well-researched, and well-branded.  This type of article addresses the athletes and sports-persons who are looking for advice specifically regarding sports nutrition, as per their sport. Different fields of sports require different nutritional diets, so doing your research here is incredibly important. However, if done correctly, topics like these can be included to offer a clearer view regarding sports nutrition.  A blog post like this might be especially beneficial when targeting a niche group, like mentioned earlier in this article.

14. Blog Post Ideas on Popular Diets or Trends

People are always attracted to posts that focus on guidelines on how to lose or gain weight. Blog posts on low-carb diets, such as keto, are very popular recently.  Like with any diet, however, low-carb diets have both positives and negatives.  Another popular trend currently is intermittent fasting.  As to be expected, there is a lot of conflicting information about diets and trends, like keto and intermittent fasting, trends out there. Writing a blog post on popular trends can increase the influx of readers you attract. You can also write blog posts focused on dangerous diets and encourage clients to try one of your healthy meal plans instead.  

The important thing though, of course, is to make sure these new readers stick around.  Offer links to related blog posts, downloadable meal plans, or ask your audience to engage with you about their personal experiences with popular diets directly via the comment section of your blog or on social media platforms, like Facebook or Instagram.

Attracting clients is one thing, but making them want to stay for further content is even more challenging. Your content has to be promising and well-researched. To win the trust of the client, add clickable links to the blog for reference for new-to-them information. Consult with nutritionists and doctors for further inquiry regarding the same. It is also important to encourage your readers and clients to provide feedback!

People are always looking for ways to improve their health, lose weight, gain strength, and just feel better overall. If your health and fitness blog can offer a new antidote to an age-old difficulty or offer a new viewpoint, you will be able to help your readers and keep them coming back for more.

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