Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon and Ginger Gummy Bears

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon and Ginger Gummy Bears

Paleo Gummies That Taste Way Better Than Sugary Junk Food Gummies

As I mentioned above, making these paleo gummies is ridiculously easy. To start, you’ll need to add ½ cup of water into a small saucepan, along with your sliced lemon and ginger. Bring them to a boil over high heat, and then remove from the heat and let it sit for 10 minutes.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon and Ginger Gummy Bears

Strain the tea out, and stir in the honey and apple cider vinegar. Next, whisk in the grass-fed beef gelatin powder and heat the mixture over medium heat until everything has thoroughly dissolved. It should take about three or four minutes, just make sure that the mixture does not boil!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon and Ginger Gummy Bears

Finally, you can pour the gummy mixture into silicone molds and then toss them into the fridge until they set.

Can I Use Regular Gelatin Instead of Grass-Fed Beef Gelatin?

While I always recommend trying to eat grass-fed beef whenever possible, I also understand that not everyone lives somewhere where they are able to find it.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon and Ginger Gummy Bears

The reason why I recommend going with grass-fed beef options is because it has been found to have a much higher concentration of heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E compared to beef from grain-fed cows. (1)

So with that in mind, I definitely recommend following the recipe exactly as it is. However, if you can’t find grass-fed beef gelatin, then regular gelatin makes a perfectly acceptable substitute for this recipe. Just make sure to check the ingredients to make sure there are no other non-paleo friendly ingredients in there.

If you want to know more about gelatin, feel free to check out this post I made!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon and Ginger Gummy Bears

Are Gummy Bears Healthy? 5 Reasons Why These Paleo Gummy Bears Are

Are normal gummy bears found on store shelves healthy? No, absolutely not. Even though they’re an incredibly popular snack all across the globe, they’re also full of sugar and other junk additives.

Homemade gummy bears like these paleo gummies on the other hand are perfectly healthy for you. As a matter of fact, here are five reasons why these paleo gummies are such a great healthy snacking choice:

  1. As mentioned above, using grass-fed gelatin for your gummy mixture provides the gummies with omega-3 fats and antioxidants like vitamin E.
  2. Fresh ginger provides numerous anti-inflammatory and antioxidative benefits, helping to reduce your risk of developing chronic inflammatory diseases. (2)
  3. Citrus fruits like lemon are fantastic sources of vitamin C and other beneficial polyphenols that have been proven to boost your immune system. (3)
  4. Honey is an excellent all natural sweetening option for paleo dieters that has the added benefit of being incredibly nutrient-dense; it’s also a great source of disease fighting antioxidants. (4)
  5. Apple cider vinegar (and other types of vinegar) may be able to improve insulin function and even lower blood sugar levels after meals. (5)

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon and Ginger Gummy Bears

How Do I Make My Gummy Bears Firmer?

The main reason why when you look at the recipe directions, it’s pointed out to not let your gummy mixture boil is to prevent this exact issue from happening. Just make sure that you’re 100% paying attention when cooking your mixture.

Another thing that you can try is to cook them at a higher temperature. But with that, make sure that you keep the golden rule in mind when making homemade gummies: don’t let them boil!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon and Ginger Gummy Bears

3 Tips for Storing Homemade Gummy Bears

Whenever I make these homemade gummies, I usually make several batches at once in order to store them for future snacking purposes. What can I say, I like to plan ahead. If you want to do the same thing, here are three quick tips for storing your homemade gummy bears:

  1. Store them in airtight glass containers.
  2. Keep them stored in a cool place so that they don’t melt.
  3. Remember that unlike regular gummies that are full of harmful preservatives, homemade gummies will only last for a couple of weeks.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon and Ginger Gummy Bears

Other Uses for Gelatin in Paleo Cooking:

If you’re wondering how else you can use gelatin while still following the paleo diet, you’re in luck because there are a lot of uses for it! Here are just a few you can try:

More Immunity-Boosting Apple Cider Vinegar Recipes:

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon and Ginger Gummy Bears
Jess (Paleo Grubs)

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