Classic Chicken Salad with Homemade Paleo Mayo (Holy Yum)

Some salads really can have it all. A great selection of wonderfully fresh vegetables, juicy pieces of lean chicken adding plenty of protein, and an unbelievably tasty homemade mayo would all combine to make the perfect salad. And that’s exactly what this classic chicken salad with homemade paleo mayo provides. It’s a delicious and nutritious salad that will provide your body with everything it needs to stay fueled up throughout the day.

Classic Chicken Salad

The chicken salad itself doesn’t contain anything too out of the ordinary. It is, after all, a classic mixture for a reason — there’s nothing here that needs changing. You’ll obviously be using chicken breast cubes to add the protein into the salad. The rest of the ingredients used are fresh parsley, lemon, diced red onion and celery, a minced garlic clove, Dijon mustard, and whole black peppercorns. They all combine perfectly to provide lots of essential nutrients while making one great tasting salad. The black peppercorn in particular is a wonderful addition, and it’s been widely used for centuries in many traditional medicines. Not only is it incredibly savory, but it also has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help protect against diseases like cancer. (1)

Make Your Own Homemade Paleo Mayonnaise

The chicken salad is just fine to enjoy all on its own, but to really take this recipe to the next level you will be including the tasty homemade paleo mayonnaise. It’s fairly simple to prepare, requiring a single egg yolk to be placed in a bowl before adding salt, Dijon mustard, lemon juice, and apple cider vinegar. As you whisk these ingredients together, gradually begin to add either avocado oil or a light olive oil into the mixture until it resembles the thick texture of regular mayonnaise. The choice of avocado oil or olive oil is entirely up to you — both options will add a moderate amount of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats to the mayo that will provide some great cardiovascular and antioxidative benefits. (2)(3)

prepping vegetables for chicken salad

chicken lemon and spices

mixed chicken salad

prepared paleo mayo

This recipe ends up making enough of the homemade mayonnaise to use with the chicken salad while still leaving around half of the batch left over. The remaining mayo can be safely stored in the fridge for future use. When the chicken salad is combined with this delicious creamy mayo, it can of course be enjoyed as is. I like to take it a step further though and make paleo-style ‘sandwiches’ with it by wrapping it in lettuce. Give it a try.

paleo chicken salad recipe

P.S. – This is definitely not the only healthy salad recipe that we have featured on the site. If you’re looking for some new ideas to make a tasty paleo style salad, then you might want to have a look at these recipes:

Classic Chicken Salad with Homemade Paleo Mayo (Holy Yum)
Jess (Paleo Grubs)

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